Category Archives: Encouragement

Famous Homeschooler List – Because Sometimes it’s Nice to Know About Others

I wrote this famous homeschooler list over a decade ago. I was reminded of it recently while talking to a young homeschooler about General Patton. Patton was homeschooled and his father read military history to him until he was ready to read at age 12. I’ve always thought that was an inspirational story for all the […]

“My Daughter Homeschools”

The following was written by a grandma who used to worry about her daughter’s choice to homeschool.  Thanks to Michelle Huelle and her mom for giving permission to share these heartfelt comments! Photo by Sand Dragon “My daughter homeschools” – I used to whisper this to my friends so no one else would hear and […]

Pay Attention! Are You Listening to Me?

Photo by John Flinchbaugh Updated 9/26/2022. When parents imagine reading to their kids, they may think of snuggling on the couch, with their child listening to every word that the parent is lovingly reading. That doesn’t always happen! Sometimes read-aloud time looks more like this photo of a child absorbed in play, and you may […]