Category Archives: Homeschooling

The Dark Side of Certificates and Awards

Photo by Scherre Updated 9/26/2022. Awards and certificates are liberally handed out in most schools. We reward kids for everything these days! It’s one aspect of public schooling that new homeschool parents sometimes miss. We all want our kids to be happy, and we also want bragging rights since we have so many non-homeschooled neighbors, […]

Pay Attention! Are You Listening to Me?

Photo by John Flinchbaugh Updated 9/26/2022. When parents imagine reading to their kids, they may think of snuggling on the couch, with their child listening to every word that the parent is lovingly reading. That doesn’t always happen! Sometimes read-aloud time looks more like this photo of a child absorbed in play, and you may […]

Reading Aloud to Your Children

I often hear from parents who want help finding books to read to their children, and so I have decided to share the list of chapter books that my husband and I read to our homeschooled son when he was young. My list is not a recommendation of what should be read, because lists will […]